- Version
- Download 465
- Dateigrösse 466 MB
- Datei-Anzahl 1
- Erstellungsdatum August 31, 2021
- Zuletzt aktualisiert September 7, 2021
Modpack (v2.2.2.3)
Update: pamhc2foodextended-1.16.3-1.0.4.jar
Changelog: FOOD EXTENDED 1.0.4 - CHANGELOG] FIXED - Crashing issues, missing finished textures, tag issues [FOOD EXTENDED 1.0.3 - CHANGELOG] CHANGE TAG - Removed groundcinnamon, added spices/groundcinnamon CHANGE TAG - Removed blackpepper, added spices/blackpepper CHANGE TAG - Removed soysauce, added condiments/soysauce ADD TAG - condiments/oystersauce, condiments/hoisinsauce, condiments/saladdressing ADD TAG - spices/groundnutmeg, spices/currypowder, spices/garammasala, spices/vanilla ADD TAG - berries ADD TAG - citrusfruits ADD TAG - boiledegg ADD TAG - friedegg ADD TAG - scrambledegg ADDED TO TAG - blackberryitem, blueberryitem, candleberryitem, cranberryitem, elderberryitem, huckleberryitem, juniperberryitem, mulberryitem, raspberryitem, strawberryitem, minecraft:sweet_berries added to berries tag ADDED TO TAG - grapefruititem, lemonitem, limeitem added to citrusfruit tag ADDED TO TAG - icecreams/mintchocolatechipicecream, icecreams/mochiicecream, icecreams/neapolitanicecream, icecreams/nuttoppedicecream, icecreams/vanillaicecream RECIPE CHANGE - cinnamonappleoatmealitem, cinnamonsugardonutitem, cinnamontoastitem, frenchtoastitem to use spices/groundcinnamon tag RECIPE CHANGE - baconmushroomburgeritem, deluxecheeseburgeritem, mcpamitem to use groundmeats/groundbeef tag RECIPE CHANGE - corndogitem to use groundmeats/groundpork tag RECIPE CHANGE - breadedporkchopitem to use rawpork tag ADDED ITEMS - 412 new items found here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z6us1gp5mj2IAxO3M33j6vgmqTtvSigE2rM05eogETQ/edit?usp=sharing)